Viewing: gail carriger

A terrible-quality picture of Mur, Gail, and I all recording a podcast together live at Balticon in 2010. Because symmetry and the cyclical nature of things. Or something.
Some good things do last, folks.
At the end of 2014 Campbell Award-winning author Mur Lafferty and I recorded a podcast with no name. We had a frank and honest discussion, not about writing, but about our careers as writers. That conversation spawned something we still didn’t fully understand called Ditch Diggers, and over the past several months we’ve slowly figured out what this show is and not only has it gotten pretty popular, it’s gotten, in my humble opinion, pretty good.
And now we’ve hit episode 10.
We are in DOUBLE DIGITS, my friends.
Mur and I wanted our tenth episode to be special, so we went out and got none other than the New York Times best-selling author of The Parasol Protectorate and the Finishing School series, Gail Carriger, to co-host!
Gail takes us inside of being a true best-selling author (none of that Amazon subcategory “best-seller” on the cyborg dog/YA dystopian/werewolf erotica/whatever-the-fuck list bullshit). She talks about what happens when you write a book that blows up and where you go from there. She discusses the process, the numbers, the pitfalls, the publishers, the promotion, the fans, the triumphs, the defeats, all of it. It’s a truly illuminating look at life on the best-seller list from every angle, and I’m fucking thrilled to have her and all of that for Mur’s and my tenth episode of the show, and for all of you.
Gail is also an actual fan of the podcast and has listened to every episode, which means she was able to call me on all of my bullshit. All of it. Constantly. And make hilarious callbacks for our diehard fans.
It’s a great episode of a show I’ve become very proud of, and I hope you all enjoy it and take a lot from it.
Be sure to share this episode and subscribe to the podcast!
Here’s to ten times ten episodes more.
And now some random quotes from our landmark tenth outing of the show co-hosted by Gail Carriger!
“I was just thinking you couldn’t sound less excited.”
“Even if you become Gail Carriger-level, shit still happens.”
“You’re getting all [Kameron] Hurley on my ass.”
“Mur’s seeing the bottom of her own glass right now, she doesn’t give a fuck.”
Campbell Award-winning author Mur Lafferty and Knott’s Berry Farm’s Ghosts of the Old West Elementary School Short Story Contest-winning author Matt Wallace are back at it again, folks! We’ve got a brand new installment of our writing-as-a-job podcast for you, and it’s about when NOT to crowdfund and/or self-publish your work.
We also field questions from Twitter about writing schedules, how to balance your writing business admin with your actual writing, and using email lists, newsletters, and book blast services to promote your work. Somewhere along the way Mur and I get sidetracked by a discussion about the porta-potty industry, which leads to me creating a television series about a New England porta-potty dynasty called SHITLORDS.
We just do us, folks. We just do us.
A lot of good stuff coming in future episodes. Next week Mur and I are welcoming best-selling author and Victorian/steampunk fashionista Gail Carriger onto the show. Mur also has more interviews she recorded live at Boskone. It’s almost like we’re a real podcast or something.
And now some random quotes from this week’s episode!
“They reject a whole lot of shit that SHOULD be rejected.”
“I do it with experience.”
“I am the liberator of sex robots!”