Viewing: roundtable podcast
Hey, folks. I’ve had a new essay published by Vex Mosaic, the magazine of speculative thought. Vex was founded by Dave Robison of The Roundtable Podcast, who also narrated by short story “Sundae” for Podcastle. It remains one of the finest, most moving readings of one of my stories to-date, so when Dave hit me up about contributing to “The Vex” I was all about it.
My essay, “Fuck Flying Cars: On Futurism in Fiction” is exactly what it sounds like. I’m looking at futurism for fiction writers, the difference between futurism and futuristic fantasy, why that’s an important distinction, and what makes good futurism in fiction (beyond the ability to see into the future, obviously).
I think it’s a worthy piece, and I hope you take something from it.
I’m very much into what Dave and his staff are doing with this, and I hope you’ll support it. As much as he wanted to create a market to explore SFF beyond the page, he wanted to give writers another paying market to go to. That’s always a goal I’m behind. You should be, too.
And I’m sure you’ll be reading me in Vex again.
So, yeah. Read, enjoy, and please share on your social medias-type things.