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Hey, folks. Big news today of which I am quite proud and immeasurably jazzed. It was announced on that Publishing has purchased the third and fourth Sin du Jour books, the urban fantasy series I’m beginning with them on October 20th with the release of ENVY OF ANGELS.

What can I say? It’s fucking phantasmagorically amazing news. I’ve planned seven books in the series, each one titled after/thematically concerning a deadly sin, but was only initially contracted for the first two. They’re being released as part of a brand new book line with an untested format in mainstream publishing (novellas as end-all-be-all books instead of ancillary content), and I’m an untested commodity in such a market, writing in a genre everyone says is downtrending.

Odds were heavy, as they always are in publishing regardless of the above particulars, two books was all I’d get.

Fortunately, reactions to ENVY OF ANGELS and the whole Sin du Jour idea have been shockingly strong. All the advance reviews so far have been fantastic, including an eye-catching write-up in Publishers Weekly. Pre-orders have been strong. Publishing digs how I comport myself and my commitment to the line. Folks are just plain digging the book and having fun with it. And it’s gratifying because that’s exactly what I wanted to do: write something that was fun for a damn change.

It’s tremendous to have this kind of commitment from a publisher before the first book has even been released. I owe a big debt to Lee Harris, my editor, who has championed the concept and the stories from day one, and associate publisher Irene Gallo, who embraced me and the series wholeheartedly. The whole crew over there, Mordicai Knode who has been an outstanding marketer for the line, and Carl Engle-Laird who does pretty much everything else, have all been epic.

So, yeah. We’ve got the next year to blow this series up and make it a huge hit.

Are you coming along?

ENVY OF ANGELS releases October 20th in print, ebook, and audiobook.

LUSTLOCKED releases January 26th, also in print, ebook, and audiobook.

Book three, PRIDE’S SPELL, and book four, IDLE INGREDIENTS, will come out over 2016 as well.

And now I’ve gotta go write the things.

All the things.

Stay tuned.